Thursday, April 16, 2009

Digital Rodeo needs you to help Bucky Covington!

With the OFFICAL word from Bucky Covington to "bug the crap out of the DJ's" with the release of "I Want My Life Back" there is a long list of helpful things we can do for him!

I started off this morning by adding new neighbors to my digital rodeo site. WE need to get Bucky Covington and his people to add music to his player over there. Until then, go and view his page. Yes it is a little plain, but we can show it some love and meet each other for a block party over there. Click on the link to the right to find me over there. Then of course go add Bucky Covington as your neighbor. Digital Rodeo seems to be a country music myspace.

Add Due West as your neighbor, cause they have to appreicate Bucky. Just if you didnt know, Tim Gates the frontman for Due West wrote Bible and the Belt. Interesting story of how Due West was formed and I will add more on that later.
So let's show Due West a little love also.


  1. This is John, I'm with Digital Rodeo. Thanks for supporting Bucky on DR. I'll make a call to his label tomorrow to get some graphic and music in his page and we'll create a banner for Bucky on DR's music page all thanks to your blog!

    Thanks again!

  2. John this is very cool! I am glad someone is watching out to help represent Bucky, my little old blog can't reach everyone. Thanks so much!
    Buck Wild JudgeFL
